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About the PBA
Our Mission
Our Board
Supporting Sponsors
Association Documents
Burn Tract Scoring
Educational Organizations
Facebook Groups
Burn Manager Resources
About the PBA
Our Mission
Our Board
Supporting Sponsors
Association Documents
Burn Tract Scoring
Educational Organizations
Facebook Groups
Burn Manager Resources
Sponsor CAPBA
Sponsor Signup
CAPBA Silver Sponsor
Silver level sponsors will have their name and logo placed on our CAPBA website, have 1 CAPBA membership entitlement for the year, and will be recognized at all meetings and events for the year.
Sponsor levels can be attained by direct financial support or agreed upon in-kind services.
Examples of in-kind services include but are not limited to donation of materials and supplies (ie drip torch, Prescribed Burn Ahead signs-stands, 5-gallon safety burn fuel cans, leather gloves, insulated water coolers et al).
CAPBA Gold Sponsor
Gold level sponsors will have their name and logo placed on the CAPBA burn trailer and with the gold sponsors on our CAPBA website, have 2 CAPBA membership entitlements for the year, and will be recognized at all meetings and events for the year.
Sponsor levels can be attained by direct financial support or agreed upon in-kind services.
Examples of in-kind services include but are not limited to donation of materials and supplies (ie drip torch, Prescribed Burn Ahead signs-stands, 5-gallon safety burn fuel cans, leather gloves, insulated water coolers et al).
CAPBA Bronze Sponsor
Bronze level sponsors will have their name and logo placed on our CAPBA website and will be recognized at all meetings and events for the year.
Sponsor levels can be attained by direct financial support or agreed upon in-kind services.
Examples of in-kind services include but are not limited to donation of materials and supplies (ie drip torch, Prescribed Burn Ahead signs-stands, 5-gallon safety burn fuel cans, leather gloves, insulated water coolers et al).
CAPBA Membership Agreement
First Name
Last Name
Membership Agreement
I hereby agree to follow the rules while operating as a member of the CAPBA
My Property
County the property is located in
Acres to be managed with prescribed fire
Forested landowner
I have permission to manage land for the owner.
Prescribed fire has been used before on my property.
My immediate adjoining landowner neighbors are interested in applying prescribed fire
I am not sure about the burn history or needs on my land.
My Prescribed Fire Objectives
Site preparation for tree planting
Timber stand improvement - young longleaf pine
Timber stand improvement - hardwood understory control
Range improvement
Hazard fuel reduction
Wildlife habitat improvement
Endangered species (plants or animals)
Membership Account Details
My desired involvement as a member of the prescribed burn association.
I want to learn more about prescribed fire
I want to gain experience and participate on prescribed fires
I can furnish labor, equipment, or in-kind services on our PBA burns.
Burn Manager Status
Alabama certified
Some experience but not Alabama certified
Interested in getting certified
Email Address
Mailing Address
if different from billing address
Zip Code
Primary Phone Number
Set Password
Strength: Very Weak
How did you hear about the PBA?
(Use Cropper to set image and
use mouse scroller for zoom image.)
Select Your Payment Method
Mail a Check
Please send a check for your 3-year membership fee of $100.00 payable to CAPBA:
John Pirtle
CAPBA Treasurer
PO Box 261
Billingsley AL 36006-0261
Click the Join button below so that your membership profile can be added to the rolls. When the check is received our treasurer will update your status from "pending" to "member" in our member database.
Additional Info/Note
Please enter Additional Info/Note.
How you want to pay?
Auto Debit Payment
Manual Payment
Payment Summary
Your currently selected plan :
, Plan Amount :
, Final Payable Amount:
Already have a membership?